Um refúgio único

Um acesso incrível através de um teleférico espetacular, uma praia deserta, uma míriade de frutos e legumes exóticos para experimentar, uma história para desvendar.

Um refúgio acolhedor, isolado e autónomo, a envolvência da natureza que se impõe.

Para contemplar, refletir, restabelecer energias.
E então ganhar inspiração e motivação.

É com muito gosto que o convidamos a conhecer esta pequena Ilha dentro da Ilha da Madeira.

Índice do artigo

All components also are used in the administrator area of your website. In addition to the ones listed here, there are components in the administrator that do not have direct front end displays, but do help shape your site. The most important ones for most users are

  • Media Manager
  • Extensions Manager
  • Menu Manager
  • Global Configuration
  • Banners
  • Redirect
Karin and Ronald
wonderful being in the surrounding of the growth o
Staying at Faja dos Padres is a great experience. It was wonderful being in the surrounding of the growth of different kinds of exotic fruits, like bananas, mangos, avocados, and even passion fruit. The houses are comfortable and spacious for its kind all with a unique view to the sea. When sitting outside it looks like you have your own little part of paradise…
quarta-feira, 18 julho 2012
Nancy Hampson
A Very Special Destination
Imagine the perfect getaway and you would be on track, especially Casia de la Maria, located at the end of only a few cottages with a large private terrace at the water's edge and views of the cliffs. Spectacular, serene, simple luxury. Rise each morning to a 10 minute walk through banana trees and other lush foliage to the outdoor restaurant overlooking the sea, with palm trees in a row. W...
terça-feira, 07 junho 2016

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